Home: Solar Outdoor Security Lighting

Why Solar Outdoor Security Lighting Makes Sense



solar outdoor security lightingSolar outdoor security lighting is beginning to show up more and more because of it's convenience.

These lights can be mounted just about anywhere and don't require any hard wiring.

Lets look at how maintaining good security lighting makes for a safer, more comfortable outdoor environment for your home or commercial space.




How Solar Security Lighting Works


Solar outdoor lighting takes energy from the sun's rays and stores it. When energy is needed, the stored energy captured from the sun is consumed and used to power your outdoor security lighting.

It is very important that your security lighting doesn't fail you when you need it most, so a solar backup is always advised.

Solar outdoor security lighting is comprised of three main components:


  • The Solar Pannel

  • The Storage Component or battery

  • The Lamp or Lighting Fixture




Solar Pannels

Your solar pannels collect the energy given off by the sun. The larger the pannel the more energy it can collect in a given day depending on weather conditions.

Solar pannels should be installed in an open space where they will be directly exposed to the sun without obstructions. They are often installed on top of roofs.

Look for motorized platforms that pivot your solar pannels to face the sun as it moves across the sky. This maximizes the amount of sunlight your solar pannels are directly exposed to in a give day.




The Battery

A battery is used to store the energy collected from the suns rays. The capacity of the battery determines how much energy it can store in a given day.

The battery should be capable of handling the load placed on it by the security lighting fixtures. It should also have the storage capacity to take advantage of all the energy your solar pannels can absorb throughout the day.

Making sure your battery has the capacity to handle your lighting's power needs will ensure that your solar security lighting will not fail when you need it most.




The Lamp or Lighting Fixture

Your solar outdoor security lighting should include energy efficient outdoor lighting fixtures. If your security lighting requires use of very powerful lamps, its best to use the most energy efficient lamps you can find.

Look for commercial outdoor lamps for those times when you'll need lots of light to cover a large outdoor space.

If you're looking to cover a more intimate space, think about using energy efficient outdoor lamps since you'll need to ensure that your lamps don't consume all of the stored energy too quickly.

Energy efficient lamps like solar LED lights emit tons of light per watt consumed, so they're very energy efficient. These lamps have a long lifespan and will be around for years to come.

When shopping for energy efficient lighting fixtures, look for the label that helps to distinguish energy star outdoor lighting fixtures from the others.




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